Everyone is welcome to join us on the second Friday of each month at 12.30pm for a Community lunch - this is for people of all ages. 

We serve hot and cold food, and tea and biscuits and fruit afterwards.  It's a great chance to meet with friends and to meet new people from around our community.  

You can also bring your own lunch if you prefer to.

After our lunches there are a variety of talks and activities scheduled - you are welcome to stay for these.

We are always keen to add to our list of volunteers to help with setting up tables, planning, preparing food, greeting visitors, serving food and clearing up at the end including filling the dishwasher!

The next meeting is as follows: 

* Friday, 10th January, 12.30pm - followed by a talk at 2pm on the Oxford Preservation Trust by Anna Eavis

If you have any questions, please contact Mary Woolliams at:   [email protected] 

The Bullingdon Community Association is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organization in England and Wales (CIO: charity registration number 1200270)
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