Three years ago the Mosaic Group at the Bullingdon Community Centre finished a 'Welcome' mosaic that they had been working on for several months. Around that time the 40-year-old building was deemed unsafe and eventually closed so the mosaic had to be put into storage. 

The close knit community that the Centre has served over the years then got together and with a mix of dogged determination and pressure persuaded the Council to fund a rebuild ... and not just any old rebuild. No!  What we have now is a modern, spacious, eco-friendly community asset and on Tuesday the 'Welcome' mosaic that was completed when the new centre was no more than a twinkle in the community's eye, was mounted on the wall close to the entrance. And it looks fabulous! Surrounded by open welcoming hands, some might recognise depictions within the mosaic of community activities as well as of local wild life.  

You can find out what is going on at the Community Centre on our brand new website but if you want to have a closer look at the mosaic yourself you can do that any time.

Shirley Nelder 
Dene Road, Feb 2023

The Bullingdon Community Association is a registered Charitable Incorporated Organization in England and Wales (CIO: charity registration number 1200270)
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